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Residence Halls


Residence halls at Mayville State University provide students with a living-learning environment that is an integral part of many students’ University experience. The halls are planned to provide comfortable and wholesome living environments that will enhance an individual’s social, academic, personal, and cultural growth. All residence halls are staffed with conscientious and qualified personnel who coordinate closely with residents to develop a environment conducive to their individual growth.

The University operates the following residence halls for the convenience of students:

  1. Agassiz Hall houses students in four-person suites (total of 96 beds) that includes two bedrooms, a shared living room and private bath facilities. Upper-class students can request housing in one of the two-bedroom apartments (total of 36 beds) that will feature two bedrooms, a shared living room, private bath facilities and a kitchenette. Study lounges and common kitchen facilities will also be provided on each floor, while the basement will feature a large lounge and laundry facilities.
  2. Birkelo Hall houses students in a three-story, traditional style residence hall. Large corner rooms are predominant features of this building. Single and double rooms may be available, with upper-class students having preference for single occupancy rooms. Students who commit to some community service hours and to participate in a leadership-development experience may qualify for a partial room waiver.
  3. Berg Hall features a variety of single and double rooms as well as suite-style rooms with private baths. Upper class students have priority for the single rooms and efficiency apartments.

Each residence hall room is furnished with ample closet space, single beds, and all other necessary furniture. Students provide their own towels, pillow, bed linen, study lamps, small rugs, and whatever else they need to make their rooms comfortable and home-like. Students are responsible for their own room cleaning, with custodial service provided for all hallways, lounges, and other public areas. Each residence hall also provides laundry facilities for their residents. Each room features connections for cable television and computer networking, and wireless Internet access.

Mattresses are "XL Long," meaning you may need to buy sheets rather than use some you already have. XL mattresses are six inches longer than the twin mattresses in most homes.

Any student is welcome to reside in the institution’s residence halls, regardless of age or class status. All freshmen and sophomore students who are less than 21 years of age, or who do not meet any of the exemptions, are required to live on-campus in an approved residence hall. All students residing in campus housing must also contract for board with the MSU Dining Services. These contracts provide different “price points” based on a student’s anticipated eating patterns.

The following categories of students are exempt from the institution’s housing requirement, but they must complete an off-campus residence form for directory and emergency notification purposes and provide appropriate documentation (as indicated below), if requested.

  1. Students who have at least 60 earned semester or 92 earned quarter credits. Documentation: A transcript indicating the number of earned credits.
  2. Students who are 21 years of age at the beginning of the appropriate term of enrollment. Documentation: Verification of date of birth by a driver’s license or other document.
  3. Married students, and/or those who have dependents residing with them. Documentation: A marriage license and/or dependent birth certificates.
  4. Students who have lived in a residence hall at MSU or another institution for at least 4 semesters (6 quarters). Documentation: A letter from an appropriate official at previous institutions verifying residence, or other proof of residence; i.e. paid billing receipts.
  5. Students who have lived in a residence hall at MSU or another institution for at least 2 semesters and have a GPA > 3.4. Among the goals of residence hall living is to provide supports to student such that an ability to succeed in the classroom is fostered. Student whose grades reflect that mastery have the option to live on- or off-campus.
  6. Students who have served on active duty in the military for at least 18 months. National Guard and Reserve members are not eligible for this exemption unless they have active duty service time of 18 months. Documentation: A copy of the military record DD 214.
  7. Freshmen or sophomore students who are living at home with their parents or legal guardian. Occasionally permission for a freshman or sophomore to live with another family member will be granted but should not be assumed. Documentation: Parents of eligible freshmen or sophomores should contact the Director of Student Life by phone or in person to describe their wishes regarding their son or daughter and their living accommodations.


Under no circumstances should students acquire off-campus housing without first securing permission from the Director of Student Life. The Office of Student Life will ascertain the residency status of each student and request documentation to verify a student’s eligibility to live off-campus.


Students who wish to seek an exemption from this on-campus housing policy should first contact the Director of Student Life. The Office of Student Life is located in Campus Center 106. Additional exemptions may be authorized by the Director of Student Life based on guidelines established by the Residence Life Sub-committee, including students with specific medical or health conditions and students who will become 21 years of age during the term.

Students who are found to be in violation of the MSU Housing policy may be subject to fines and/or room charges. Students who do not qualify for an exemption to this policy may appeal to the Residence Life Sub-committee. Students who request an exemption to the housing policy must do so at least three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Failure to submit a request and required documentation will subject the student to room and board charges for the semester. Contact the Office of Student Life (Campus Center 106) for additional details.

Housing contracts are e-signed each year by students planning to live in residence halls. The contract is a legal document explaining the University’s policies as well as its expectations of students. Standard procedures and regulations concerning residence hall living are contained in the contract. Housing contracts are in force for an academic year. Students are held responsible for fulfilling the contract terms.

Like a residence hall agreement, the board plan contract is considered legal and binding for the entire academic year, although board changes can be made during the first week of each semester. Room contracts and board contracts do not include University vacation periods when school is not in session. (Fall Semester- Winter Break, Spring Break-March) All meals are served in the Campus Center Dining Room and Snack Bar according to the schedule posted outside the Dining Room.

Dining Services has continuous or near-continuous hours of operations on school days, and can by arrangement provides sack lunches to those who cannot eat during regular serving hours (because of class or work conflicts). Payment for selected food items are paid using the student’s Campus ID Card.

MSU is committed to maintaining an academic and social environment conductive to the intellectual and personal development of students. The University is also committed to the safety and welfare of all members of the University and residence hall community including a healthy living and learning environment. MSU has a responsibility to support students whenever University personnel believe the student is in need of assistance. This responsibility extends to “notification of parents” which is permitted under the 1998 Amendment to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Therefore, parental notification may occur at Mayville State University after an offense where alcohol or drugs are involved.

The University reserves the right to assign or reassign space for the benefit of an individual student and/or living unit. The University reserves the right to refuse housing to any student who is delinquent in the payment of housing bills or has demonstrated an unwillingness to abide by housing rules and policies. Reasonable notice of termination will be given. All students desiring rooms in University residence halls should submit a Housing Application at A payment is collected at the time of application. Room assignments are made in order of receipt of application and the application fee payment. Roommates matching information is received by the application system, but our ability to hold a space for your preferred roommate might be effected by the time of year.

All students living in the University’s residence halls agree to comply with existing rules and regulations governing students’ conduct and responsibility. These conditions are explained in the Student Handbook and the Residence Hall Handbook and are available at

In addition, students are expected to comply with federal, state, and local regulations, and are subject to announced room inspections for health, fire, and safety purposes.