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Campus Health

Sanford Health has a nurse on campus Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm*. Hours will vary during the school year. Campus health is here to provide students with health-related services and to offer health and wellness education. Individuals may obtain abbreviated nursing assessments, care for minor ailments, wellness information, vaccinations and other various health/wellness services. The campus health nurse also serves as the Covid liaison. Covid tests, education and vaccines are offered in the campus health office. The nurse will assist with setting up appointments with providers and specialties if needed. Nurse visits are free of charge. You will be notified prior to the service if your insurance will be billed.

The cost of doctors appointments, prescriptions, X-rays, or laboratory work is paid for by the student if they are not covered by personal insurance.  ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to carry health insurance if they are not covered by parental policies. Students should carry a copy of their insurance card or have a picture of it available.

Campus Health can assist with finding affordable health insurance for students.

REMINDER: Student athletes are required to have a physical exam prior to involvement in their specific sport.  Also, all students are required by state law to show proof of two measles-mumps and rubella (MMR) immunizations upon registering for classes, and those residing in residence halls must have documentation of immunity against Meningococcal disease. International students from certain foreign countries are also required to provide proof of testing for tuberculosis.