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Early Childhood A.A.

Required credits to graduate with this degree: 64

The Early Childhood Associate degree prepares students to teach in a variety of preschool settings. A Head Start distance learning program provides North Dakota Head Start teachers the opportunity to complete Early Childhood A.A. degrees or minors. Students may consider additional coursework in the early childhood specialization areas as an enhancement to their AA degree. Upon completion of the two-year degree, students will have completed 36 hours of essential studies courses including CIS 175, COMM 110, ENGL 110, ENGL 120 or ENGL 125, and PSYC 111, which are required courses for this major. All classes will transfer to a baccalaureate program at Mayville State University.

A list of approved essential studies courses is available here.


EC 210Introduction to ECE


EC 211Observations, Assessment, and Interpretation Techniques


EC 298AA Internship


EC 313Language & Literacy in ECE


EC 220Infants and Toddlers


EC 333Pre-K Methods/Materials


EC 335Art, Music, and Play in ECE


EC 336/SPED 336Social & Emotional Development & Guidance in ECE


EC 376Field Experience in ECE


SPED 237Special Needs in ECE


Note: Students who plan to pursue the BSED in Elementary Education or Early Childhood Education take these pre-requisites: COMM 110, ENGL 110, ENGL 120, GEOG 103, MATH 103, PSYC 111, SCNC 101 and SCNC 102

Total Credit Hours: 28