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Re-Establishing Eligibility

Any student dropped from consideration for financial aid per the provisions of this policy may appeal to the Financial Aid Director and be considered for reestablishing eligibility:


  1. By successfully completing coursework without federal financial aid to bring their cumulative GPA and rate of completion to the minimum required standards by this policy.


    If it is not possible for a student to reach the cumulative minimum standards within one semester, they may consider filing an appeal based in part upon their improved academic record after successful completion of a semester in which the student did not receive federal financial aid.


  2. By filing an appeal of the Financial Aid Disqualification for consideration of reinstatement of eligibility.
    • If the student experienced an unusual extenuating circumstance that hindered his or her ability to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, such as the death of a close relative, an injury or serious illness, or other situation that was beyond the student’s control, they may appeal their Financial Aid Status.
    • The written appeal must explain in detail and document the circumstances that impacted the student’s academic performance. The student should describe what has changed and the specific steps he/she is taking to improve their SAP standing such as seeking tutoring or other academic support. Students appealing the maximum timeframe must explain the reason for reaching the maximum number of credits allowed and include a POS of remaining courses and date of anticipated graduation. Additional supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances may be submitted by the student or requested by the Financial Aid Director as well.
    • Appeals are reviewed by the Financial Aid Office within approximately 1-2 weeks of receipt of all required documentation.
    • Students are notified by email of the outcome of all Financial Aid Disqualification appeals.
    • If the appeal is denied, the student has the right to appeal in person to the Financial Aid Committee. The action of the Committee will be final.
    • Students who are determined ineligible to receive financial aid are encouraged to remain in school to re-establish their eligibility by attaining the required minimum cumulative GPA and 67% cumulative Pace standards.

If the appeal is denied, the student has the right to schedule an appeal in person or via conference call (if not on campus) to the Financial Aid Committee. The action of the Committee will be final.