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Applying for Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to new students, current students, and transfer students through a combination of loans, grants, scholarships, and employment.  Financial aid is awarded regardless of sex, race, religion, color, creed, or national origin.  The following procedure should be followed by those students who wish to apply for various types of financial aid:

  1. Apply for admission to the colleges of your choice.  Contact the school’s Financial Aid Office to determine information about college costs.  The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the financial aid application form used by Mayville State University.
  2. Parents and students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.  The latest application is available October 1st each year.
    1. Apply and make corrections through the Web by accessing: 
    2. Each year, students receive a renewal reminder by e-mail from the federal government directing them to complete the FAFSA online.

The identification code number for Mayville State is: 002993

  1. If help is needed in completing the FAFSA, ask your high school counselor, principal, or call the Financial Aid Office.  The FAFSA or renewal application may be easier to fill out with a copy of the completed tax return for reference.  However, it is strongly recommended that students and parents utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when completing FAFSA, as it will transfer all of the tax information directly to the application from the IRS website.
  2. Students may include up to ten (10) colleges and universities to receive their FAFSA information.  Since it is so important to complete FAFSA early, this is useful for students who have not yet made a final decision on which university to attend.
  3. The Student Need Analysis Service uses the Federal Needs Analysis Methodology Formula to calculate how much each student and his/her family can afford to contribute. Within one week after the FAFSA is processed, a notice will be sent to the student by e-mail instructing you to review the processed FAFSA at  The information should be checked carefully, and any necessary corrections made.  If corrections are made, the FAFSA must be reprocessed.  Students are strongly encouraged to contact their school if they have made a correction to their FAFSA to ensure the school received the updated information.  
  4. Once a student has been admitted to Mayville State University and the Financial Aid Office has received the results of the FAFSA, the application will be reviewed and a request for additional documents to complete the file may be made.    The FAFSA EFC number will determine eligibility for financial aid.  Once a determination has been made on the eligibility for financial aid, the student will be offered aid based on the student’s eligibility for institutional and federal funding.  The opportunity to accept/reduce or reject this award is available on the student’s Mayville State University Campus Connection portal at that time. 
  5. If federal appropriations fall short of anticipated dollars, student aid will be reduced proportionally.  It is not always possible to give students the amount or type of aid requested.  Federal regulations and appropriations frequently make it necessary to combine several kinds of financial aid to best meet the needs of the applicant. 

Excess financial aid funds are disbursed to students by the Business Office on a semester basis.  Students are strongly encouraged to set up Direct Deposit in Campus Connection.  Otherwise, excess aid checks are mailed to the students home mailing address on file with the university.  Students will receive 1/2 of their total financial aid award each semester.  Students receiving Federal Work Study will receive those funds semi-monthly as they earn them.