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Financial Aid Probation and Plan of Study (POS)


  • If the Financial Aid Office approves a student’s appeal of their Financial Aid Disqualification status due to extenuating circumstances, they will be placed on either Financial Aid Probation or Plan of Study status.
  • Students on Probation or Plan of Study status are eligible for federal financial aid.
    • Financial Aid Probation will be granted when it is reasonable to expect that the student will be able to meet the minimum SAP standards within one semester.If the student fails to meet SAP at the end of their probation term, they will return to Financial Aid Disqualification.


    • Financial Aid Plan of Study (POS) will be granted in situations where it is determined that it will take the student longer than one semester to meet the cumulative 2.00 GPA and 67% completion requirements within one semester and/or the student has exceeded the maximum credit limit for their program. A POS is a plan of study that has been developed by the student and their advisor.In some cases, the Financial Aid Director will require a copy of the student’s POS and may require a higher term GPA and/or percentage of completed credits. Students on Plan of Study status will be expected to follow the conditions of their Plan of Study each semester to maintain eligibility.Failure to follow the conditions of the Plan of Study will result in the student returning to Financial Aid Disqualification.