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Repeated Courses

At Mayville State University, repeating a course is defined as retaking the same course on a student's MASU academic record in an attempt to improve a grade. The course repeat option to improve one's academic record is available to students who have not graduated. Repeats are processed at the end of a semester after grades have been posted to academic records.

If a repeated course is taken for traditional A through F letter grading, the highest grade achieved in the course will be used in calculating the student’s grade point average.


  1. All courses must be repeated through MASU for an improved grade. Repeating a course at another institution will average both grades in GPA calculations. Both grades will be maintained on the student’s transcript. Transfer courses must be equated to MASU courses and must have been completed prior to enrolling at MSU to be eligible for the repeat policy.
  2. All grade entries remain on the student's academic record, but only the credits, grades and related honor points for the best attempt will be calculated in the cumulative grade point average and credits for graduation.  Other attempts are excluded from cumulative totals and marked as 'Repeat Excluded'.
  3. Examinations for credit. i.e., CLEP, AP, DSST, PLA, may not be repeat course grades.
  4. Course repeats are not allowed on a one-to-one basis such as independent study or an arranged basis. Exceptions to this must be appealed through the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  5. Courses taken for A-F grading may not be repeated under the pass-fail grading option.
  6. Students cannot repeat courses for an improved GPA after a degree has been posted.

NOTE: Repeating courses has impacts to financial aid eligibility and can affect a student's completion rate. Related Policy: M580 Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy