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Incomplete Grade

Under extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor, a student may be assigned a grade of Incomplete (I).

The grade of an incomplete is assigned to indicate that 75% of satisfactory work has been completed of the semester end or circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of the work.

Grades of incomplete are initiated at the student’s request. The student must contact the instructor, request an incomplete grade and upon instructor approval, make arrangements to complete the work. The incomplete must be completed within 4 weeks of the close of the session in which it was awarded.

An Incomplete Grade Request Form detailing the work to be completed, expected completion date, and grading standard is to be signed and dated by the instructor and the student. The form is to be submitted to the Office of Academic Records by the grade due date for the semester in which the course was taken.

If any incomplete grade is not removed by the end of the specified time, the grade as recorded on the Incomplete Grade Request form will be placed on the transcript by the Registrar.

An extension may be requested by the instructor when extenuating circumstances has affected the student’s ability to comply with the deadline in the initial request. Extensions beyond the original stands require department chair approval and need to include successful progress towards the remaining course work to be completed.