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Graduate Studies Academic Standards

Graduate Studies: Academic Standards – Probation, Suspension and Appeal

Academic Standards

To be in academic good standing and to receive a graduate degree from Mayville State University (MSU), a student must demonstrate academic integrity and maintain a graduate cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0.

The student must successfully complete a minimum of 32 graduate semester hours. The minimum passing grade for graduate credit is “C” in the approved program of study. A student may take a maximum of two (2) repeated courses. All repeats will be recorded along with the initial attempt. The second grade becomes the grade of record and replaces the first in computing overall graduate GPA.

Academic Probation

If the graduate cumulative GPA of a student in good standing drops to less than 3.0 at any time during enrollment, the student is automatically placed on academic probation. Students must raise their overall GPA to at least a 3.0 within the next nine (9) graduate credit hours taken; if not the student will be dismissed from the program.

An academic probation appears on the student's official academic transcript and on the unofficial transcript. An adviser hold is placed on the student's record, and may only be removed after the student has met with their adviser. Students are notified of their academic probation status via unofficial transcript in Campus Connection, Starfish and through the student’s personal campus email.

Graduate Program Holds

The associated Dean of the Division places a hold on the student's registration for two reasons:

Conditional Admission

Dependent upon specific program requirements, the Dean of the Division may provide a conditional admission. In such cases a hold will be placed on next semester registration for GPA review prior to further enrollment.

Academic Warning/Probation

If the student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 during program enrollment, the Dean of the associated Division must monitor student grades at the end of each semester until the student returns to good standing. The student must work with the academic advisor to create a plan for success in the associated program.

Dismissal from Graduate Studies

Graduate students may be suspended or dismissed from MSU if they fail to meet the academic standards. Students suspended or dismissed from Graduate Studies are not eligible for admission into any graduate degree-granting, certificate program or non-degree status for a period of at least one calendar year from the date of the suspension or dismissal.

Graduate Student Appeals

Graduate students who are dismissed from the graduate program should follow the appeal process specific to each graduate program. Once graduate students have exhausted their graduate program appeal process they have the right to appeal to the University. The burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence is on the graduate student making the appeal.

Should a graduate student choose to appeal, process for appeal is as follows:  

  1. Provide a typewritten letter of appeal detailing the reasons for the academic performance, no later than 4:00 PM on the date indicated on the MSU website under Academic Standing. The submission date is a hard deadline, non-negotiable and no exceptions will be considered.
  1. Email the appeal letter to: or deliver to the Office of Academic Affairs located in Old Main #112.
  2. If there are any questions concerning this process, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at (701) 788-4711.

If a student does not exercise their right to appeal the suspension, he or she will be eligible to reapply for admission to the University at the conclusion of at least one calendar year from the date of the suspension or dismissal. A suspended student who returns after completing the suspension time period may be readmitted on probation and is not required to follow the appeal process.

This academic appeal process is NOT associated with the financial aid suspension appeal. Students are to contact the Office of Financial Aid at regarding any possible financial disqualification or warning action associated with a financial aid suspension.

Graduate Courses

Courses approved at the 500 level and higher may be taken for graduate credit and used to satisfy course requirements on the student's graduate plan of study. Courses that are considered continuing education, correspondence, extension, or a workshop are not acceptable credit within a graduate program of study.

Courses that a student has used to fulfill the requirements of a baccalaureate degree may not be used on that student's graduate plan of study.

Enrollment Status

The Graduate Studies programs requires students be registered for at least one credit fall and spring semester until all degree requirements are completed (including review and approval of thesis, paper, or dissertation). Nine credits are considered a full-time graduate load.

A graduate student is required to have continuous enrollment. A student may request a Leave of Absence through the program Dean if graduate studies must be interrupted.

To receive financial aid, students must be enrolled at least half-time (i.e. 5 credits). Loan deferment may also require full- or half-time status. Eligibility varies with financial aid programs; students should contact their lender for requirements.

Time Limitations

Graduate credit for any course work that is more than seven (7) calendar years old at the time of the final course or examination cannot be used to satisfy a master's degree program.

Transfer of Credit

All graduate credits used to meet the requirements of a master's degree must be approved by the program administrator, and/or the Dean and Division Chair of Education. Graduate students must petition (in writing) for a transcript review by the Dean of Graduate Studies if a transfer of graduate credits from another institution is sought. A maximum of 9 semester hours of graduate credit may be transferred to satisfy program or plan of study requirements.

Approval for transfer of graduate credits will be based on the following criteria:

  • College-level course work from regionally accredited colleges or universities is eligible for acceptance in transfer;
  • must carry only grades of A or B on a 4.0 scale;
  • must have been earned within a 7-year period at the time of the graduate program completion;
  • must be graduate level;
  • must not be a continuing education, correspondence, extension, or workshop course;
  • must not be internship, individual study, special problem, or research (disquisition) courses, or courses graded Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory;
  • must not have been used to fulfill the requirements of a baccalaureate degree; and
  • must be verified by an official transcript.

It is the responsibility of the student to provide official transcripts of graduate courses taken elsewhere to MSU.