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Student Life and Student Involvement

MSU’s Office of Student Involvement organizes a wide variety of social, intramural, and recreational programs throughout the year. Acting as a clearinghouse for all campus programs the Office of Student Involvement works with the Student's Activities Council (SAC) and all campus organizations on the development, organization, and implementation of student activities and competitions.

SAC, in coordination with Student Senate and other student organizations and advised by the Director of Student Involvement, is responsible for planning many of the social activities for students. Welcome Week, Homecoming Week, and various intramural events typically highlight a year full of opportunities for social gatherings and competitions. Dances, movie nights, painting, hypnotists, comedians, casino and karaoke nights are just a few of the well-attended activities planned by SAC and other organizations.

Students living in campus residence halls are encouraged to take advantage of MSU’s Residence Hall Association (RHA). RHA strives to encourage educational, social, and personal growth in residents, promoting positive living and learning environments within the halls. Members have the opportunity to facilitate monthly activities and to participate in regional conferences and retreats. For more information, contact the Director of Student Life.

The Office of Student Life is also concerned about students’ emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. Student Life offers many developmental programs covering a wide variety of topics each year. Alcohol and other drugs, risk reduction, human sexuality, relationship development, physical wellness, and stress management are just a few of the subjects that have been addressed by nationally and regionally recognized speakers, as well as some of our own faculty and staff. MSU attempts to address student concerns related to wellness in a manner that is most positive and effective by securing student input via surveys, student membership on committees, and direct communication with student organizations.