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Masters in Education- Adult Teaching and Learning Track

Minimum required credits to graduate with this degree: 32

The M.Ed. core will provide foundational study and application of concepts in Topics and Trends in Education, Organizational Leadership, Diversity and Societal Change, Grant Writing, Law and Ethics, and Research Methods (General).  

M.Ed. Adult Teaching and Learning track meets the need of the recognition that teachers continue to learn after they are licensed. Schools have continual professional development and graduates of this track will be ready to design and lead professional development which varies with many types and styles for adults of all ages and occupations. Graduates of this track will be prepared to obtain leadership roles such as Professional Development Coordinator, leadership roles in institutions which support public schools, or work in higher education.

M.Ed. Core

Core Requirements

EDUC 501Topics and Trends in Education

2 SH Credits

EDUC 506Educational Law and Ethics

2 SH Credits

EDUC 507Research Methods

3 SH Credits

EDUC 508Organizational Leadership

3 SH Credits

EDUC 510Diversity & Societal Change

3 SH Credits

EDUC 545Grant Writing

3 SH Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Adult Teaching and Learning Core

EDUC 512Adult Learning Theory

3 SH Credits

EDUC 513Active Adult Learning Strategies

4 SH Credits

EDUC 515Program Evaluation

3 SH Credits

EDUC 520Program Development

3 SH Credits

EDUC 569Action Research

3 SH Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Total Credit Hours: 32