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Criteria for Admission, Continuance, and Completion of the Teacher Education Program

Criteria for Admission, Continuance, and Completion of the Teacher Education Program

Students intending to earn a teaching certificate in conjunction with a degree will begin the admission process to the Teacher Education Program in EDUC 250 or as guided upon transfer to Mayville State. The admission process will be completed in TaskStream. Students who have not been admitted to the program will have limited course offerings at or beyond the 300 level.  

Criteria for Admission to Teacher Education include:  

  • Displaying satisfactory skills as demonstrated by successful completion of the following courses with these minimum grades:  


Course Number

Course Name

# of Credits

Required Grade

ENGL 110

College Composition I



ENGL 120

ENGL 125

College Composition II (preferred)
Business and Technical Writing





MATH 103

College Algebra



COMM 110

Fundamentals of Public Speaking



PSYC 111

Introduction to Psychology



PSYC 255

Child & Adolescent Psychology



EDUC 250

Introduction to Education




  • Successful completion of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test or eligible ACT scores: 
    • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test 


Cut Score

Minimum Score

Reading (5713)



Writing (5723)



Math (5733)






*  Teacher candidates must select Mayville State University and North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board as the score recipients when signing up for the Praxis Core Test. 

o   ACT  


Minimum Score







*  A new Administrative Rule (67.1-02-02-02) allows eligible ACT scores in lieu of the Praxis Core Academic Skills Test for ND licensure.  

* In order to receive an ELA, score the optional writing portion of the exam is required.  Teacher candidates must supply their score reports to Division Offices. 

·       Attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75;  

·       Complete the Admission Interview; 

·       Complete the State Licensure Acknowledgement Form;  

·       Provide proof of fingerprinting and a background check clearance;

·       Meet target scores on disposition evaluations; and

·       Receive final approval from the Teacher Education Committee when all criteria are met. 

When students have displayed satisfactory scores in the courses listed, passed the Praxis Core test, and attained a GPA of 2.75 or higher, they will be admitted into the Teacher Education Program.  Their admission date is entered onto their transcript.  Once teacher candidates are admitted, they will be allowed to enroll in the following courses: 

·       EDUC 302 – Social Studies Strategies in the Elementary School 

·       EDUC 319 – Language Arts in the Elementary School

·       EDUC 350 – Reading Assessment and Intervention

·       EDUC 390 – Special Needs in an Inclusive Environment

·       EDUC 422 – Educational Assessment

·       EDUC 481, 482, 483, 484, 485 – Secondary Methods for English (481), Health & PE (482), Math (483), Science (484), and Social Science (485)

·       EDUC 401S – Pre-Student Teaching Seminars

·       EDUC 400, 400a – Student Teaching (400), Part-Time Student Teaching (400a)

·       EDUC 401 – Electronic Portfolio, Assessment and Seminar

·       SPED 396 – Special Education Law

·       SPED 397 – Assessment of Students with Disabilities

·       SPED 400b – Special Education Student Teaching

Certification and licensure requirements for teachers are impacted by changes in rules and regulations at the institutional, state, and federal levels. It is the teacher candidate’s responsibility to be aware of these changes and their potential effects on employability. 


Fingerprinting is required for all students taking any course that includes a practicum. Proof of a passed background check is required prior to official admission in the Teacher Education Program. Students are required to:

  • ·       Request a fingerprinting packet from the Division of Education by emailing or stopping by Office 116C.
  • ·       Complete the fingerprinting process as stated in the obtained packet; and

·       Provide proof of a clear background check (via TaskStream) continuously through the program (background checks are valid for 18 months so more than one background check may be required).

To ensure Mayville State University students in education programs are eligible to gain ND licensure, any teacher candidate with a background check that indicates hits found may be required to provide evidence from the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board that the student is eligible for licensure.

Student Liability Insurance Requirement

Students are required to obtain liability insurance prior to completing the EDUC 250 observation and maintain liability insurance in any course required for teacher education programs that contains a clinical experience. Liability insurance is required throughout the student teaching experience as well.  Students will receive detailed information about liability insurance in Blackboard course shells.

Name Badge Requirement

Teacher candidates are required to wear a name badge lanyard when attending any off-campus clinical experience including in-school observations or field experiences, or on-campus events that they are directed by their instructors to wear identification.   Name badge lanyards are to be worn each day a teacher candidate is completing any off-campus experience. 

Name badge lanyards must be purchased from the MSU bookstore or call (701) 788-4823 or 1(800) 437-4104 ext.34823.  The name badge template for printing can be found within Blackboard course shells in any course that has experiences requiring students to wear a name badge.  Teacher candidates are responsible to obtain the lanyard from the MSU Bookstore and print the name badge from the template.

If a PK-12 school requires an official Mayville State University ID, students will need to follow this process to obtain an official MSU ID:

·       Send an email from your Mayville State email account to

·       Include your Student ID#, mailing address AND a recent ‘headshot’ picture.

Professional Development Expectations of Teacher Candidates

Throughout the Teacher Education Program several professional development events will be held on and off campus that teacher candidates will be expected to attend. Candidates will be informed of these events by their instructors and the events may or may not be noted in syllabi. Events will vary each semester and may be held on dates outside of the regular university schedule.

Transfer Students

Transfer students must contact the Division of Education (Education Building 116C or during their first semester to complete required forms and receive information about the purchase and use of TaskStream.  Degree seeking, non-degree seeking, and students with prior degree(s) will have a completed transcript review on an individual basis.

Continuance in the Teacher Education Program 

Admission to teacher education does not guarantee the teacher education candidate will be retained in the program. To continue in the Teacher Education program, the teacher candidate must:

•     Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75;

•     Demonstrate expected dispositions including commitment to: learner development, learning differences, learning environments, content knowledge, application of content, assessment, planning for instruction, instructional strategies, professional learning, ethical practice, leadership, and collaboration; and

•     Continue to obtain satisfactory recommendations from faculty, staff, field-experience supervisors or the Teacher Education Committee. 

If any one of the above criteria are not met, and after appropriate student mentoring and faculty discussion, the Dean and Chair of the Division of Education will review at a Teacher Education Committee meeting and may appoint a 2 or 3-person subcommittee of the Teacher Education Committee to review the student file and relevant materials (STOT evaluations, Disposition Evaluations, GPA, coursework, etc.). A determination of action will be made by the subcommittee that may include implementing a student success plan that includes mentoring, probation, suspension, or expulsion. A recommendation of suspension or expulsion from the program will be moved to the Teacher Education Committee.

Student Success Plan:  If it is determined by the Teacher Education Committee that a student should have a student success plan, the student will be contacted by the subcommittee team lead to provide information on the process of developing the student success plan. The student will meet with subcommittee members on issues of concern. The student will develop a student success plan, guided by subcommittee members, within 10 calendar days using a provided form. When the student and subcommittee members agree upon the developed student success plan, the plan is entered into TaskStream by a subcommittee member. The plan will be implemented, and the subcommittee members will follow up with the student and report on progress to the Dean and Chair of Education and the Teacher Education Committee. The student’s advisor will be notified by a subcommittee member that the student is on a student success plan. 

When the issue or concern has been resolved, the student will receive a final notification and a subcommittee member will document status of resolution. If the issue or concern is not resolved the subcommittee will recommend further action. The student’s success plan will be kept in TaskStream.

Probation: Any teacher candidate who has been placed on probation by the 2-3-person subcommittee must review and agree to the stipulations for probation. At the end of the semester the teacher candidate’s progress will be evaluated by the 2-3-person subcommittee to determine if the teacher candidate should be removed from probation. If the teacher candidate has met all requirements for probation, the probation status will be removed, and the teacher candidate may continue in the teacher education program. If the teacher candidate does not meet all requirements of probation, the matter will be referred to the full Teacher Education Committee for final decision regarding continuance, probation, or removal from the program.

Probation in any teacher education program may include restricting student enrollment in one or more professional education courses identified by the Teacher Education Committee, restricting the student from taking any course that includes a field experience including student teaching, the requirement of repeating one or more courses, a requirement of the student to increase GPA, or any other committee-determined action that supports student growth and upholds program requirements.


Teacher candidates have the right to appeal any decision regarding admission or continuance to the Teacher Education Program, admission to student teaching, and /or recommendations concerning teacher certification to the Teacher Education Committee within one week of the decision.  Information regarding any decision related to admission and continuance will be sent to the student via Mayville State University’s method of communication (MSU email).  To request an appeal, teacher candidates contact the Chair of the Teacher Education Committee.  The following documentation is required:

·       Written explanation (in electronic form) outlining justification for why the decision(s) should be reversed;

·       Evidence to support the student’s written explanation; and

·       A current copy of the student’s transcript

The Teacher Education Committee will have two weeks to respond to the student’s request for appeal.  Documentation will be reviewed by the Chair of the Teacher Education Committee and shared with the Teacher Education Committee to support further review and a subsequent decision on the appeal. 

Teacher Education Program Completion Requirements

Requirements to complete, or graduate from, the Mayville State Teacher Education Program include:

·       All teacher education candidates must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.75 in their cumulative, major, minor, and professional education coursework. A grade of “C” or better is required for all professional and methods education courses, excluding EDUC 250 where a “B” is required.

·       All teacher education candidates must complete the application for graduation with the Office of Admission and Academic Records during the semester prior to the term in which the student expects to graduate. The deadlines for applying are listed on MSU’s academic calendar.  Students preparing to graduate will request and receive a degree audit during the semester prior to graduation to inform the student and his/her advisor of any remaining requirements.  The degree audit is used for advising purposes and becomes an official document when signed by the Registrar.

·       Successful completion of the student teaching experience;

·       Successful completion of electronic portfolio and presentation;

·       Acknowledgement of program completion requirements by the Dean and Chair of the Teacher Education Committee and the Mayville State Office of Academic Records; and

·       All teacher education candidates are required to take Praxis Subject Area Assessment Tests and Principles of Learning and Teaching (Early Childhood Education, Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education double majors) prior to graduation.  Praxis Subject Area Assessment and the Principles of Learning and Teaching Assessment must meet or exceed the North Dakota requirements prior to seeking licensure.  The chart below indicates test numbers and minimum scores.  Refer to the ETS website for any change in test numbers or minimum score requirements.


Test Name

Test #

Min. Score

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education



Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood



Elementary Education

Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment



Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K-6



Secondary Education

General Science: Content Knowledge



English Language Arts: Content Knowledge



Health Education



Mathematics: Content Knowledge



Physical Education: Content Knowledge



Social Studies: Content Knowledge



Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12



Special Education

Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications



Special Education: Preschool/Early Childhood



Special Education: Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances



Special Education: Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities



Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities