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Infant and Toddler Care Certificate

The Infant and Toddler Care Certificate is designed to prepare students with the specialized skills and experience to provide care and ideal learning experiences to infants and toddlers in a variety of early childhood settings. The courses within the certificate are content-rich and focus on domain-specific, developmentally appropriate content and practices. This certificate supports one of the three pillars of early childhood education-Infant and Toddler. The certificate will encourage individuals to pursue their AA, BA, or BSED in early childhood education.

Individuals already enrolled in the AA, BA or BSED in early childhood would be eligible to complete one or more of the certificates. This would allow employers to collaborate with MSU to build a quality and effective workforce. Working with ND Department of Health and Human Services to help promote certificate option/CDA alternative in advancing career path. Individuals would have the opportunity to advance their careers by completing early childhood certificates which stack toward completion of an AA, BA or BSED degrees in early childhood.


EC 210Introduction to ECE


EC 211Observations, Assessment, and Interpretation Techniques


EC 320Infants and Toddlers


EC 336/SPED 336Social & Emotional Development & Guidance in ECE


EC 341Routines, Guidance & Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers


EC 375Infant and Toddler Field Experience


SPED 340Assessment & Documentation in Infant & Toddler Programs


Total Credit Hours:21

Total Credit Hours: 21