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Course Descriptions

All universities and colleges in the North Dakota University System (NDUS) have agreed on Common Course Numbers (CCNs) for many of the courses they have in common. The CCN notation in the course description indicates MSU courses that are recognized as common within the North Dakota University System.

Course Definitions, Designators and Format

Courses approved at the time of publication are listed in this bulletin. Not all courses are offered every term. Refer to the outline schedule of course search term and Campus Connection for listed offerings. 


Course definitions frequently include additional information about enrollment. Students are responsible for complying with restrictions or expectations related to course enrollment listed herein or any supplementary information.

Course Credits: Credits are stated in semester units as defined in the Academic Policies section in the bulletin. 

Course pre-requisites (Pre-req): Prerequisites indicate the academic background, academic level, or other requirements considered necessary for enrollment in the course. Most prerequisites are specific courses, however, equivalent preparation is usually acceptable. 

Course co-requisites (Co-req): Co-requisites indicate courses to be taken concurrently with the course described. Instructor or department permission may override a pre-requisite or co-requisite. 

Cross-listed courses: A cross-listed course means the same course is offered by two or more departments or under another course prefix. Cross-listed courses are noted and the full description appears under the department responsible for the course. Credit may only be earned for the course under one of the prefixes.

Format Of Course Listings:

All university course offerings, listed alphabetically by areas of study, are described on the following pages. Course information and course availability is subject to change. The heading, which precedes the brief description of each course, includes the current course number; course title; and the number of semester credit hours, fixed or variable. Enrollment information, such as pre-requisites and co-requisites follows.

Course Numbers:

Course numbers indicate the student classification for which the course is primarily intended. The number system is as follows:

  • 000-099 series courses - Remedial courses
  • 100-199 series courses - First Year (Freshman) level courses
  • 200-299 series courses - Sophomore level courses
  • 300-399 series courses - Junior level courses
  • 400-499 series courses -Senior level courses
  • 500-599 series courses - Graduate level courses
  • 1000 series courses - Undergraduate Continuing Education/Workshops/Seminar courses
  • 2000 series courses - Graduate Continuing Education/Workshops/Seminar courses